Capital allowance – Changes for plant and machinery expenditure
Capital allowances are a form of tax relief for businesses. They allow you to subtract some or all of the value of an item from your profits before you pay tax.

How you can improve your business performance
You are an established business and doing well, but you are still ambitious and looking to improve and expand.

How can your businesses cut costs?
As the cost-of-living crisis continues, your business might be looking for ways to cope with soaring energy bills and interest rates.

What do you need to know about the Energy Bill Relief Scheme?
The Government has outlined a new Energy Bill Relief Scheme to support households, businesses and public sector organisations tackling soaring energy bills.

Almost one million taxpayers handed late submission penalty after missing Self Assessment deadline
Nearly one million taxpayers have been fined after failing to submit their tax return on or before the 28 February Self Assessment deadline, it has been revealed.

How would an Online Sales Tax affect your business?
The UK Government is set to assess whether to introduce an Online Sales Tax (OST) as a solution to the tax imbalance in the retail sector.